第9週 多認識一些適合的接觸對象
--Week 9 Meet more of the right people
The emphasis this week changes from quantity to quality. You want more good people in your network. To become more selective about identifying the right people to approach, pause and ask some probing questions:.Who knows the most about my industry?.Who sells the additional products my customers now buy?.Who is good at solving other people's problems?.Who can best help me meet my goals?
When you find people who push those hot buttons, focus on approaching them at the next networking event you attend. Cultivate some deep referral sources.
第2部分 拓展人脈
第8週 讓接觸對象多樣化
Part 2
Expand Your Network
Now that you have a sense of where you want to head with your networking activities, it's time to populate your network. Weeks 8 through 14 are all about bringing good people into your network.
Week 8 Diversify your contacts
Most of us have a tendency to hang out with others who share our values and goals. From a networking perspective, that's not such a great thing. Your network will get stronger if you get out there and rub shoulders with people outside your normal circles of activity. Create opportunities to meet strangers, find out what they're working towards and look for opportunities to bring these people inside your circle of contacts. A little diversity is a very good thing in this context.