2016年8月29日 星期一

52週人脈計畫 -第39週  寫下2則成功故事

第39週  寫下2則成功故事


Week 39  Write down two success stories

Spend some time this week putting down on paper some stories in which your business is the hero and you achieve some amazing things for customers. Ham it up, but be factual and accurate in what you say. You then take these stories and circulate them to your word-of-mouth marketing team. As they read your stories, it will jog their memories on other people in similar situations you might be able to help. It will also sharpen in their mind their view of who your perfect client is, which can't be a bad thing at all.

52週人脈計畫 -第38週  請客戶寫推薦信

第38週  請客戶寫推薦信


Week 38  Ask clients for written testimonials

Your assignment this week is to get some satisfied clients to write letters that spotlight their positive experiences with what you have to offer. You want these testimonials to be on your client's letterheads and in their own words. Try this week to ask three clients to write about their experiences. You can then use these testimonials to generate loads of credibility in the future.

2016年8月26日 星期五

52週人脈計畫 -第37週  寫文章寫出名號

第37週  寫文章寫出名號




Week 37  Write your identity in the public eye

Sit down this week and identify four topics you can write articles about that will fit your business and networking goals. Then draft a letter to the editor of your favorite business publication and pitch your ideas. If he likes what you're suggesting, start writing your articles. If you get a red-light instead, you might try asking for some guidance on what kind of articles would be suitable for that publication.

As you do this, don't forget to do your own homework as well. Many publications now have Websites to reach out to potential advertisers. Often, these Websites include an editorial calendar that tells advertisers the themes that will be covered in each month's issue. You can review that editorial calendar for topics that are within your field of competence.

Having published articles definitely boosts your credibility in all kinds of different ways. It positions you as an expert in your field, which is never a bad thing. Be prepared to start small with local newspapers before working your way up to major trade and business publications.

52週人脈計畫 -第36週  學習撰寫新聞稿

第36週  學習撰寫新聞稿


Week 36  Learn how to write a press release

There's an art involved in writing an effective news release, and your focus this week should be on trying to learn what's involved. This is worth doing because next to word of mouth, publicity can be a very cost-effective way to market your business. Try developing a news release around a topic that is newsworthy and interesting. Hire a professional writer to help you polish your news release if you have to, but get a news release together and send it out. This will both enhance your company's visibility and strengthen your positioning as an expert in your field.

2016年8月25日 星期四

52週人脈計畫 -第35週  製作教育性質的快報

第35週  製作教育性質的快報


Week 35  Create a newsletter that is informative

Experts teach and inform. They have ideas and opinions others want to know about. This week, consider the viability of starting your own informative newsletter as a way to get your message out to the marketplace. Just make sure that your newsletter reflects well on your business. It might be helpful to talk with someone who is already producing a regular newsletter and get up to speed on what's involved. Publishing to a regular schedule takes commitment, but if you do this, you will have a great communications vehicle for your message to get out there.

52週人脈計畫 -第34週  發表極具價值的簡報

第34週  發表極具價值的簡報



Week 34  Give a high-value presentation

Your challenge this week is to sit down and figure out what kind of high-value presentation you are qualified to give. There's probably something you know and have experience with that most people do not. Once you identify what presentation you can give, your second task this week is to sit down and compose a letter that outlines your presentation. Then create ten copies of that letter and get the people in your networking group to give them to anyone they know who organizes speaking engagements. Make it easy for people to refer you.

52週人脈計畫 -第33週  讓名片發揮最大效用

第33週  讓名片發揮最大效用


Week 33  Get the most out of your business cards

Simply put, business cards are miniature billboards for your business. Take this week to honestly evaluate what your business card says about you. Look at your card style and question whether it is appropriate for your industry and personal style preferences. Make sure you've got all your essential information on it and that you feel proud of your business card. If you don't, get some new cards made right away. For its size and cost, your business card will probably be the most powerful marketing tool you will ever own. Have a card you love handing out, but then work to only give cards to people who ask for them. Don't give out your business card indiscriminately, thinking you're doing well. Wait until people ask for it, and then have something worth giving.

52週人脈計畫 -第32週  對自己的工作要永保熱忱

第32週  對自己的工作要永保熱忱



Week 32  Always be passionate about what you do

Your challenge this week is to become a motivational speaker for your business. Wear your passion on your shirt sleeves for everyone to see. Spotlight in glowing terms:
.What you can say that your opposition cannot.
.How your work fulfills you.
.What part of your work you love the most, and why.

Inject your personality into your message so that it becomes more memorable for the listener. Even if they don't agree entirely with your philosophy, they will respect the energy and enthusiasm you bring to the equation and will respond accordingly.

52週人脈計畫 -第31週  有效描述自己的事業

第31週  有效描述自己的事業



Week 31  Profile your business effectively

Can you describe all the ways you help customers in one minute or less? If not, you need to spend time this week preparing a concise profile of the best way to describe what you do. Then get used to delivering your profile quickly and without using any confusing jargon.

The more clear the image is that you create when talking about your business, the easier it will be for those who hear you to pass the same message on to the people they network with in the future.

2016年8月22日 星期一

52週人脈計畫 -第30週  只談效益,不談功能

第30週  只談效益,不談功能



Week 30  Always talk about benefits, not features

Take time this week to zero in on what you spend the majority of your time talking about. Customers choose products on the basis of their benefits and not their features. Make sure you're spending the majority of your networking time talking about the benefits your best customers enjoy. Be specific. Avoid giving a long list of features— nobody really cares.

52週人脈計畫 -第29週  提出有目的性的引導式問題

第29週  提出有目的性的引導式問題



Week 29  Ask purposeful, directed questions

This week, sit down and come up with a list of questions you would like people to ask you at your next networking event. Then take the initiative and ask those questions of each person you meet. You will find that they will feel somewhat obligated to ask you the same questions in return, and this will create openings for you to deliver your message clearly and concisely.

52週人脈計畫 -第28週  舉辦經營人脈的活動

第28週  舉辦經營人脈的活動



Week 28  Host events with a network purpose

Last week you looked for an event to sponsor. This week, look at whether or not you should host your own networking event. The possibilities are numerous:
.You could host a grand opening of something.
.You might run a sneak preview of some upcoming event.
.You could put together a themed event.
.You might run a mixer event for key people in your network.

The events themselves don't need to be elaborate or even expensive, but they must be purposeful. They must deepen relationships and allow everyone to collaborate together to achieve some kind of joint success. Try to find an event that would add value to the people in your network and put it together. Make it happen.

52週人脈計畫 -第27週  贊助適合的活動

第27週  贊助適合的活動



Week 27  Sponsor some appropriate events

Event sponsorship is a great way to grow your business. Sponsoring the right event can position your business advantageously, create recognition with key people and make all kinds of good things happen. Take time this week to look for local events you can sponsor.

In all likelihood, you won't be looking at sponsoring a televised NASCAR race. You'll probably end up sponsoring an event put on by a local community group, a trade show or something else that is run by a professional group. These can all be excellent ways to bring more people into your network. Find an event that includes an appropriate level of investment and sponsor it.