2016年11月23日 星期三

52週人脈計畫 -第45週  運用自己的影響力去解決問題

第45週  運用自己的影響力去解決問題



Week 45  Use your influence to solve problems

What's the fun of being well networked, highly regarded and an expert in your field if you don't use it? Your assignment this week is to find a member of your network who has a problem and help them solve it. How do you do that? Ask them. Look around. Do some homework. Talk to other people in the same industry.

Once you uncover a problem and decide who your preferred target is, think of some creative ways you can use your professional status to help them. Possibilities:
.You might write a letter of support.
.You might support some cause they are active in.
.You might write a letter to the editor of a publication.
.You could petition your local city council for changes.
.You might write to the editor a trade journal.
.You could launch a public showing of support on some matter.
.You could act as a catalyst for change in some way.
.You might approach others and enlist their support.
.You can do anything that is appropriate to get involved.

2016年9月30日 星期五

52週人脈計畫 -第44週  善用其他和你往來的公司

第44週  善用其他和你往來的公司


Week 44  Capitalize on other companies you deal with

Job #1 for this week is to draw up a list of the companies you do business with on a regular basis. If you follow the money trail, you might be spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars each month as a customer of that business. Now turn it around and consider what those businesses can be doing to help you, their loyal customer. They might be willing to contribute something to your newsletter. Or they might display your business cards on their counter. Or perhaps they will sponsor your next networking event. Pick one establishment and approach them with some ideas and see where that takes you. The worst they can do is say no, but the upside potential is quite substantial.

52週人脈計畫 -第43週  採取主辦人的心態

第43週  採取主辦人的心態


Week 43  Adopt the attitude of a host

Work this week at changing your mind-set. Whenever you attend a networking event, don't approach it like the majority of people would. Instead, act like a host. Get there early and meet the people who are in charge. Learn the layout of the venue and get some idea of the flow of planned events. Find out who is expected to attend. Then greet others who arrive later and help them get into the flow of everything. Set a goal to introduce at least three people to someone they have never met before and then sit back and wait for them to respond in kind. Act more like an event host and less like a desperate networker trolling for business.

2016年9月12日 星期一

52週人脈計畫 -第42週  時時請客戶提供意見

第42週  時時請客戶提供意見



Week 42  Always ask for feedback from clients

Your assignment this week is to ask your clients for feedback. Ask them to identify your business's strengths and weaknesses. Then get into action making things better. Create simple tools (perhaps involving an online survey) that you can use to periodically check in with customers and get their ideas on improvements they'd like to see. Even better, integrate a feedback process right into your sales system.

2016年9月9日 星期五

52週人脈計畫 -第41週  不要怕自吹自擂

第41週  不要怕自吹自擂









Week 41  Don't be afraid to toot your own horn

When you meet with your word-of-mouth marketing team, the three questions they are most likely to ask you are:
."How's it going?" 
."What's new?" 
."How's business?" 

Your assignment this week is to come up with better answers than: "Things are going great. I'm swamped!" or "Fine. " You don't want people to walk away thinking you're too busy to attend to their referrals, so you need to have some good answers ready to roll in advance. Some suggestions:

"How's it going?"

"Life is good. My business is moving ahead, but I'm always interested in new opportunities. "

"What's new?"

"Well, I'm involved in an interesting training course at the moment that has brought some new ideas in mind. I'm also looking for opportunities to publish some articles of my own. 

"How's business?"

"Sales are up as I've got eight new clients this year, but my goal was to get twenty. I'm also looking for new staff. "

2016年9月1日 星期四

52週人脈計畫 -第40週  撰寫事業簡介

第40週  撰寫事業簡介


Week 40  Write a personal introduction

6When people in your word-of-mouth marketing team talk about you to their friends and associates, they probably don't know what to say. Help them out. Your assignment this week is to write a personal introduction you can give them to use. Key bits of information to include would be:
.The name of your business.
.What you offer.
.Some of your credentials and accomplishments.
.Your mission statement or purpose.
.Noteworthy clients you have helped lately.
.Other interesting facts and ideas.

2016年8月29日 星期一

52週人脈計畫 -第39週  寫下2則成功故事

第39週  寫下2則成功故事


Week 39  Write down two success stories

Spend some time this week putting down on paper some stories in which your business is the hero and you achieve some amazing things for customers. Ham it up, but be factual and accurate in what you say. You then take these stories and circulate them to your word-of-mouth marketing team. As they read your stories, it will jog their memories on other people in similar situations you might be able to help. It will also sharpen in their mind their view of who your perfect client is, which can't be a bad thing at all.

52週人脈計畫 -第38週  請客戶寫推薦信

第38週  請客戶寫推薦信


Week 38  Ask clients for written testimonials

Your assignment this week is to get some satisfied clients to write letters that spotlight their positive experiences with what you have to offer. You want these testimonials to be on your client's letterheads and in their own words. Try this week to ask three clients to write about their experiences. You can then use these testimonials to generate loads of credibility in the future.

2016年8月26日 星期五

52週人脈計畫 -第37週  寫文章寫出名號

第37週  寫文章寫出名號




Week 37  Write your identity in the public eye

Sit down this week and identify four topics you can write articles about that will fit your business and networking goals. Then draft a letter to the editor of your favorite business publication and pitch your ideas. If he likes what you're suggesting, start writing your articles. If you get a red-light instead, you might try asking for some guidance on what kind of articles would be suitable for that publication.

As you do this, don't forget to do your own homework as well. Many publications now have Websites to reach out to potential advertisers. Often, these Websites include an editorial calendar that tells advertisers the themes that will be covered in each month's issue. You can review that editorial calendar for topics that are within your field of competence.

Having published articles definitely boosts your credibility in all kinds of different ways. It positions you as an expert in your field, which is never a bad thing. Be prepared to start small with local newspapers before working your way up to major trade and business publications.

52週人脈計畫 -第36週  學習撰寫新聞稿

第36週  學習撰寫新聞稿


Week 36  Learn how to write a press release

There's an art involved in writing an effective news release, and your focus this week should be on trying to learn what's involved. This is worth doing because next to word of mouth, publicity can be a very cost-effective way to market your business. Try developing a news release around a topic that is newsworthy and interesting. Hire a professional writer to help you polish your news release if you have to, but get a news release together and send it out. This will both enhance your company's visibility and strengthen your positioning as an expert in your field.

2016年8月25日 星期四

52週人脈計畫 -第35週  製作教育性質的快報

第35週  製作教育性質的快報


Week 35  Create a newsletter that is informative

Experts teach and inform. They have ideas and opinions others want to know about. This week, consider the viability of starting your own informative newsletter as a way to get your message out to the marketplace. Just make sure that your newsletter reflects well on your business. It might be helpful to talk with someone who is already producing a regular newsletter and get up to speed on what's involved. Publishing to a regular schedule takes commitment, but if you do this, you will have a great communications vehicle for your message to get out there.

52週人脈計畫 -第34週  發表極具價值的簡報

第34週  發表極具價值的簡報



Week 34  Give a high-value presentation

Your challenge this week is to sit down and figure out what kind of high-value presentation you are qualified to give. There's probably something you know and have experience with that most people do not. Once you identify what presentation you can give, your second task this week is to sit down and compose a letter that outlines your presentation. Then create ten copies of that letter and get the people in your networking group to give them to anyone they know who organizes speaking engagements. Make it easy for people to refer you.

52週人脈計畫 -第33週  讓名片發揮最大效用

第33週  讓名片發揮最大效用


Week 33  Get the most out of your business cards

Simply put, business cards are miniature billboards for your business. Take this week to honestly evaluate what your business card says about you. Look at your card style and question whether it is appropriate for your industry and personal style preferences. Make sure you've got all your essential information on it and that you feel proud of your business card. If you don't, get some new cards made right away. For its size and cost, your business card will probably be the most powerful marketing tool you will ever own. Have a card you love handing out, but then work to only give cards to people who ask for them. Don't give out your business card indiscriminately, thinking you're doing well. Wait until people ask for it, and then have something worth giving.

52週人脈計畫 -第32週  對自己的工作要永保熱忱

第32週  對自己的工作要永保熱忱



Week 32  Always be passionate about what you do

Your challenge this week is to become a motivational speaker for your business. Wear your passion on your shirt sleeves for everyone to see. Spotlight in glowing terms:
.What you can say that your opposition cannot.
.How your work fulfills you.
.What part of your work you love the most, and why.

Inject your personality into your message so that it becomes more memorable for the listener. Even if they don't agree entirely with your philosophy, they will respect the energy and enthusiasm you bring to the equation and will respond accordingly.

52週人脈計畫 -第31週  有效描述自己的事業

第31週  有效描述自己的事業



Week 31  Profile your business effectively

Can you describe all the ways you help customers in one minute or less? If not, you need to spend time this week preparing a concise profile of the best way to describe what you do. Then get used to delivering your profile quickly and without using any confusing jargon.

The more clear the image is that you create when talking about your business, the easier it will be for those who hear you to pass the same message on to the people they network with in the future.

2016年8月22日 星期一

52週人脈計畫 -第30週  只談效益,不談功能

第30週  只談效益,不談功能



Week 30  Always talk about benefits, not features

Take time this week to zero in on what you spend the majority of your time talking about. Customers choose products on the basis of their benefits and not their features. Make sure you're spending the majority of your networking time talking about the benefits your best customers enjoy. Be specific. Avoid giving a long list of features— nobody really cares.

52週人脈計畫 -第29週  提出有目的性的引導式問題

第29週  提出有目的性的引導式問題



Week 29  Ask purposeful, directed questions

This week, sit down and come up with a list of questions you would like people to ask you at your next networking event. Then take the initiative and ask those questions of each person you meet. You will find that they will feel somewhat obligated to ask you the same questions in return, and this will create openings for you to deliver your message clearly and concisely.

52週人脈計畫 -第28週  舉辦經營人脈的活動

第28週  舉辦經營人脈的活動



Week 28  Host events with a network purpose

Last week you looked for an event to sponsor. This week, look at whether or not you should host your own networking event. The possibilities are numerous:
.You could host a grand opening of something.
.You might run a sneak preview of some upcoming event.
.You could put together a themed event.
.You might run a mixer event for key people in your network.

The events themselves don't need to be elaborate or even expensive, but they must be purposeful. They must deepen relationships and allow everyone to collaborate together to achieve some kind of joint success. Try to find an event that would add value to the people in your network and put it together. Make it happen.

52週人脈計畫 -第27週  贊助適合的活動

第27週  贊助適合的活動



Week 27  Sponsor some appropriate events

Event sponsorship is a great way to grow your business. Sponsoring the right event can position your business advantageously, create recognition with key people and make all kinds of good things happen. Take time this week to look for local events you can sponsor.

In all likelihood, you won't be looking at sponsoring a televised NASCAR race. You'll probably end up sponsoring an event put on by a local community group, a trade show or something else that is run by a professional group. These can all be excellent ways to bring more people into your network. Find an event that includes an appropriate level of investment and sponsor it.

2016年7月9日 星期六

52週人脈計畫 -第26週  加入當地的商會

第26週  加入當地的商會



Week 26  Join your local chamber of commerce

Belonging to a chamber of commerce can help you supercharge your networking activities. This week, find out where your nearest chamber of commerce is and request membership information. If possible, attend an event or two and see what the fit is like for you. More than likely, there will be a few options available, so do your homework and pick a chamber of commerce that has a strong and active membership base. Be proactive in expanding the number of people you can network with. And be prepared to roll up your sleeves and get involved. You'll have to earn the goodwill of the other members before the referrals will start flowing.

52週人脈計畫 -第25週  尋找或成立人脈社團

第25週  尋找或成立人脈社團



Week 25  Find or form a networking group

Referral networking groups are organizations that hold regular meetings for the sole purpose of generating business for each other. This is like having salespeople working for you that you don't even need to pay a commission. Make it a priority this week to check out whether there is a chapter that meets somewhere near you and if so, go along and get involved. Visit www.BNI.com to explore the local business networking opportunities you may not even know existed until now.

2016年5月31日 星期二

52週人脈計畫 -第24週  精心打造有力的第一印象

第24週  精心打造有力的第一印象




Week 24  Ace making a powerful first impression

The business cliche is that you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. Your assignment this week is to take a long, hard look at what kind of first impression you are projecting to others. Ask: "What message am I sending to those who meet me for the first time? Do I come across as professional and a good resource to know or do I merely come across as someone who is out to sell them something?" On the basis of what you find, you may need to make some changes in your general grooming and choice of clothing.

As you make this evaluation, also spend some time on the body language you typically use. Do you make good eye contact? Do you stand in a welcoming manner, or does everything you do send the message that you should not be approached? Ask your friends for feedback this week and work out what you need to be doing (or changing) in order to make a solid first impression.

52週人脈計畫 -第23週  讓餐敘產生實效

第23週  讓餐敘產生實效





Week 23  Make meal meetings productive

Focus this week on all the meeting where you take your clients out to eat. If you're smart, you'll use these as opportunities to grow your network and not merely as a chance to grow your waistline.

Meal meetings can be used several ways:
.To further develop and strengthen a business relationship.
.To help a colleague solve a problem.
.To meet someone who may join your network.
.To introduce a colleague to someone you know.
.To teach something.

Work this week to set up at least three purposeful meal meetings involving at least three people from your network in the next month or so. Make certain everyone knows in advance what the purpose of each meeting is.

52週人脈計畫 -第22週  積極參與社交及運動活動

第22週  積極參與社交及運動活動



Learn to play golf. Join a bowling league or sign up for a softball team. Do something this week that aligns with your sporting interests. Organize a regular time you can get together with other people who like doing the same things and make that a "catalyst event" where you can bring new and different people together. Have fun, thereby creating greater visibility that will then lead to credibility and ultimately business transactions. Play ball.

52週人脈計畫 -第21週  時時處於最佳狀態

第21週  時時處於最佳狀態



Week 21  Be at the top of your game 24/7

Networking opportunities have a way of presenting themselves at quite unusual times and circumstances. Therefore, you need to be at the top of your game twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. Use this week as an opportunity to review all the situations where you come into contact with new people and plan how you can try to connect with those new people. Integrating one new person a month into your network could increase your contacts by 3,000 or more over the course of a year if each of those new people know 250 people.

52週人脈計畫 -第20週  養成習慣跟進

第20週  養成習慣跟進





Week 20  Get into the habit of following up

Take time this week to look at how well you're doing in following up on the referrals you're receiving from your networking group. If you're brutally honest, you will probably note that some referrals fall between the cracks and never get followed through on. That's a problem, as timely follow-up is the lifeblood of any effective networking group. If you don't follow up on the leads others have provided, they will have doubts about your ability to follow through on anything you have promised.

Look carefully at the systems you have set up to keep track of the business referrals you receive and what you do with them. There is no one-size-fits-all system here. What's important is to find something that works for you. Evaluate how well you're doing at using the system you now have in place. If your system isn't working, figure out why not and do something about it. Make sure every lead you get is actioned promptly and professionally.

While you're checking your systems, also look at how you keep track of information about your various networking partners. This information needs to be available quickly so you can keep the relationship fresh and focused. Look at how often you update these details. Everyone is busy, and this information will be changing all the time. Make sure you're up to date in this area as well so you don't miss any meetings or appointments you have committed to. Whenever you reconnect with networking partners, take the opportunity to refresh and update their details at the same time. This is a good business practice.

2016年5月13日 星期五

52週人脈計畫 - 第19週  寄感謝卡

《52週人脈計畫 - 第19週  寄感謝卡》
第19週  寄感謝卡




Week 19  Send thank-you cards to people

Everyone knows sending thank-you notes is a good idea. It only takes a couple of minutes to do. People love the old-fashioned low-tech personally handwritten thank-you notes. They are a very nice touch as people appreciate the time and effort involved. But the real question is even knowing all these benefits, how many thank-you notes did you personally send out last year?

Networkers don't just talk about thank-you notes. They actually send them. If you aspire to join the 29 percent of businesses that do networking well, you'd better set up some systems to send out thank-you notes on a consistent basis. Keep it simple:
.Purchase a set of appropriate thank-you notes.
.Make a list of who has gone the extra mile for you lately.
.Take a few minutes each day to send out thank-you cards.
.Keep stocks of cards handy so you can do this in your spare time.
.Ignore the urge to include your business card.
.Thank people every opportunity you get.

52週人脈計畫 - 第18週 擔任志工以增加能見度

《52週人脈計畫 - 第18週 擔任志工以增加能見度》

第18週  擔任志工以增加能見度




Week 18  Volunteer for things and be visible

Volunteering can be a great way to build your visibility. It can help people get to know you, like you and trust you—all of which then makes it easier for them to recommend you to others. Volunteering also allows you to meet others in your community who share your passions. Volunteering expands the depth and breadth of your network immeasurably.

Note that volunteering in this context is not a recreational activity. You're doing this to help fulfill a need that you're interested in first and foremost. This is why you look for a cause that aligns with your interests. You then demonstrate your strengths, talents and skills to others in a tangible way. That visibility will generate other benefits that will subsequently flow back to you.

52週人脈計畫 - 第17週 找人督促自己

《52週人脈計畫 - 第17週 找人督促自己》

第17週  找人督促自己





Week 17  Find someone to be accountable to

If you can find someone you respect and make them your accountability partner, you will get more done. Having to report to someone what's happening on a regular basis heightens your awareness of what you've promised to do and enhances the likelihood that you will actually follow through and do what you say.

The key here is to identify the right accountability partner. You don't really want a friend because they will let you slide too easily. What you need is more of a mentor or a performance partner. To identify the right kind of person to approach, consider these questions:
.Who do I respect as a business colleague?
.Who would not be afraid to push me and make me focus?
.Who would I hate to disappoint?
.Who knows me well enough to tell when I am procrastinating?
.Who has the time available to help me?

Keep in mind that the purpose and aim of a business network is to get good things done. These are not friendship circles. It's nice when friendships do arise on the basis of business transacted, but sometimes friendships can get in the way of performance. You want to be working to create excellence and world-class performance within your network. Accountability partners can help make that come about.

2016年3月17日 星期四

52週人脈計畫-第16週 成為他人的催化劑

第16週  成為他人的催化劑




Week 16  Become a catalyst for others

In nature, a catalyst is an agent that initiates a chemical reaction of some kind. This is a good analogy for the type of person you want to be within your networking group. Seize the initiative and work together to make good things happen for as many people in your networking group as possible.

So how do you do that in practice? There are no simple 1-2-3 steps involved. Life is a bit more complicated than that. Instead, figure out what the first domino is you need to tap over that will lead to a chain reaction of positive events, and get to work making that domino fall. Create your own luck.

52週人脈計畫-第15週 成為能真正創造價值的資源

第3部分 加倍努力


第15週  成為能真正創造價值的資源





Part 3 Go the Extra Mile

Now that you have your network up and running, you want to do things that will make you stand out from the crowd. Weeks 15 through 20 are filled with activities that hopefully will make you the go-to person everyone thinks of first whenever they face a new business challenge. You want to demonstrate decisively the value you bring to the table.

Week 15  Become a genuine value-added resource

Don't just show up at networking events. Aim to add value for the people in your networking group. You do this by building high-quality relationships that are based on deep connections with the other people in your network. Be someone they can rely on rather than just a superficial contact.

Choose one person from your networking group and ask them:
.What are you trying to accomplish this year?
.What major challenges stand in your way of doing that?
.What could I be doing to help?
.What do you need to be successful?

Then find ways to help make something good happen for that person as they work towards their goals.