第41週 不要怕自吹自擂
Week 41 Don't be afraid to toot your own horn
When you meet with your word-of-mouth marketing team, the three questions they are most likely to ask you are:
."How's it going?"
."What's new?"
."How's business?"
Your assignment this week is to come up with better answers than: "Things are going great. I'm swamped!" or "Fine. " You don't want people to walk away thinking you're too busy to attend to their referrals, so you need to have some good answers ready to roll in advance. Some suggestions:
"How's it going?"
"Life is good. My business is moving ahead, but I'm always interested in new opportunities. "
"What's new?"
"Well, I'm involved in an interesting training course at the moment that has brought some new ideas in mind. I'm also looking for opportunities to publish some articles of my own.
"How's business?"
"Sales are up as I've got eight new clients this year, but my goal was to get twenty. I'm also looking for new staff. "