2015年9月21日 星期一

52週人脈計畫-第7週 掌握經營人脈的10大特性

《 52週人脈計畫 - 第7週 掌握經營人脈的10大特性 》













「卓越企業知道如何持續找到合適人才。要提高你的眼界,這麼做的回報會遠遠超過你現在的想像。切記:能夠加入你的口碑行銷團隊是一種榮耀。」── Ivan Misner & Michelle Donovan

「卓越的人脈高手會推動自己的事業向前邁進,但不會全憑一己之力;他們會訂定計畫、努力拓展人脈、加倍努力、了解如何讓自己的時間發揮最大價值、有效傳達自己的訴求、成為專家、善用最有宣傳效果的故事,並且做其他人不想做的事;卓越的人脈高手也不太需要推銷,因為很多人會主動上門,準備掏錢購買。」── Ivan Misner & Michelle Donovan


Week 7  Master the top ten traits of networking

Spend this week thinking about the top ten traits of master networkers and what you can do to get better at each:

1. Successful networkers follow-up on referrals quickly and give feedback to the referrer.

2. Great networkers have a positive attitude that is contagious. They're fun to be around.

3. Superior networkers are enthusiastic—they make good things happen for themselves and their friends.

4. The best networkers are entirely trustworthy and can be relied on in all circumstances and situations.

5. Great networkers have superb listening skills and apply empathy at all times.

6. Successful networkers are networking 24/7—they take advantage of every opening that presents itself.

7. Effective networkers express gratitude to their associates and clients with sincerity all the time.

8. The best networkers are helpful to others—they keep their eyes and ears open for opportunities to advance other people's interests.

9. Good networkers are sincere. They give people their full attention rather than trying to multi-task.

10. Highly effective networkers are dedicated to working their network. They create opportunities to interact with people in their network and to make things happen.

Key Thoughts

"Great companies know how to keep looking for the right people. Set your sights very high. The payoff to you will be far greater than you can imagine right now. Always remember: It's an honor for someone to be on your word-of-mouth marketing team. "

"Great networkers move their business forward, but they don't do it alone. Great networkers have a plan, work to expand their network, go the extra mile, know how to get the most value for their time, communicate their messages effectively, become the experts, capture their best stories, and do what others don't want to do. Great networkers don't need to do much selling because many people come to them, ready to buy. " — Ivan Misner & Michelle Donovan

2015年9月17日 星期四

52週人脈計畫-第6週 建構人脈資料庫

《 52週人脈計畫 - 第6週 建構人脈資料庫 》







Week 6  Build your networking database

After a little while, it becomes difficult to keep track in your mind of who helped you grow your business, what they did and what their own needs are. Don't try to do that. Instead, set up a database where you can track this information and use it in the future.

Use whatever database or customer relationship management software or other systems you are familiar with to create your own networking database and start recording what's happening. Include details like:

.Who your satisfied customers are.
.What professionals interact with your customers regularly.
.Who gave you referrals and how they turned out.
.Who has helped you network and what they did.

52週人脈計畫-第5週 先付出再求回報

《 52週人脈計畫 - 第5週 先付出再求回報 》




Week 5  Give before you get

A cornerstone principle of effective business networking is you always give to others first. Not only will this build the relationship you have with your word-of-mouth marketing team, but it will create a solid win-win outcome for everyone you involve. The more active you become in generating referrals for the people in your network, the more they will come to view you as the gatekeeper to some great resources.

■Buy some card carriers and get into the habit of carrying the business cards of the other people in your network wherever you go. Look for opportunities to hand these out in all the different settings you find yourself in.

■Send a simple letter to all your current clients with a list of the people in your network. Recommend them as being credible, ethical and professional. Offer to put your own clients in touch with all your team members.

2015年9月2日 星期三

52週人脈計畫-第4週 招募口碑行銷團隊

《 52週人脈計畫 - 第4週 召募口碑行銷團隊 》
第4週  召募口碑行銷團隊









Week 4  Recruit a word-of-mouth marketing team

Now that you've clarified what your ideal clients look like, you next need to put together your own personalized marketing team to get through to these kind of people. Be selective in doing this and put together a strong team who will be able to propel your networking activities forward with vigor and enthusiasm. Ideally, you want word-of-mouth marketing team members:

.Who interact with your preferred clients on a regular basis.

.Who know you well and trust you.

.Who are highly respected and therefore influential.

.Who have firsthand experience with your offerings.

In putting together your word-of-mouth marketing team, try to get a good mix of the different types of networking personalities. Try to include:
.Evangelists—people who are passionate about your offering.
.Business owners—who can serve as role models.
.Apostles—people who are highly skilled in some competency.
.Influencers—those whose opinions are widely respected.

52週人脈計畫-第3週 設定理想客戶的類型

《 52週人脈計畫 - 第3週 設定理想客戶的類型 》

第3週 設定理想客戶的類型



Week 3  Profile your preferred client

Every business has preferred clients—people you love doing business with.

Take the time this week to develop a written profile of who your ideal customers are. 

Write down:

.Where these clients are located and other demographics.
.What industry or profession they tend to be in.
.What it is makes these clients stand out.