2015年9月2日 星期三

52週人脈計畫-第4週 招募口碑行銷團隊

《 52週人脈計畫 - 第4週 召募口碑行銷團隊 》
第4週  召募口碑行銷團隊









Week 4  Recruit a word-of-mouth marketing team

Now that you've clarified what your ideal clients look like, you next need to put together your own personalized marketing team to get through to these kind of people. Be selective in doing this and put together a strong team who will be able to propel your networking activities forward with vigor and enthusiasm. Ideally, you want word-of-mouth marketing team members:

.Who interact with your preferred clients on a regular basis.

.Who know you well and trust you.

.Who are highly respected and therefore influential.

.Who have firsthand experience with your offerings.

In putting together your word-of-mouth marketing team, try to get a good mix of the different types of networking personalities. Try to include:
.Evangelists—people who are passionate about your offering.
.Business owners—who can serve as role models.
.Apostles—people who are highly skilled in some competency.
.Influencers—those whose opinions are widely respected.

