2015年9月17日 星期四

52週人脈計畫-第5週 先付出再求回報

《 52週人脈計畫 - 第5週 先付出再求回報 》




Week 5  Give before you get

A cornerstone principle of effective business networking is you always give to others first. Not only will this build the relationship you have with your word-of-mouth marketing team, but it will create a solid win-win outcome for everyone you involve. The more active you become in generating referrals for the people in your network, the more they will come to view you as the gatekeeper to some great resources.

■Buy some card carriers and get into the habit of carrying the business cards of the other people in your network wherever you go. Look for opportunities to hand these out in all the different settings you find yourself in.

■Send a simple letter to all your current clients with a list of the people in your network. Recommend them as being credible, ethical and professional. Offer to put your own clients in touch with all your team members.

