2015年11月25日 星期三

52週人脈計畫-第12週 出去走動走動

第12週  出去走動走動



Week 12  Get out and about

Today, it's very easy to cocoon—to have a comfort zone where you daily go from your house to your place of work and then back home again with very little in the way of detours. That's fine, but it's not ideal from a networking perspective. Spend some time this week doing stuff you wouldn't normally do. When all is said and done, networking is a contact sport. You have to get out there and connect with people if you want to draft them in to your own referral network. If this sounds a little intimidating, talk to your clients and see what business networking events they attend. Ask if you could also tag along as their guest. Look at local newspapers for public networking opportunities and seize the moment. Get out there and get active. It's the only way your network will grow.

2015年11月16日 星期一

52週人脈計畫-第11週 跟家人好好聊聊

第11週  跟家人好好聊聊




Week 11  Talk to your extended family

As amazing as it may sound, if you take the time to talk with your own family members, you will probably find that they know people who can be helpful in building your business. This is a very simple idea that often gets overlooked in the hustle and bustle of business life. Schedule a time this week where you sit down with your family individually and tell them what you do. Don't forget to reciprocate while you do this. Perhaps you can focus these little informal chats around topics like:

.Asking family members how their own careers are going.
.Explaining to them what you do for a living.
.Asking about the problems they may be having at work.
.Asking for their help in expanding your network.
.Telling stories about some of your best customers.
.Inviting family to your office to see for themselves.
.Looking for practical ways to help your siblings.

2015年11月12日 星期四

52週人脈計畫-第10週 重新和以前往來的對象取得聯繫

第10週  重新和以前往來的對象取得聯繫



Week 10  Reconnect with people from your past

You'll probably know people who you used to do business with at one time but for one reason or another you no longer interact with on a regular basis. If you reconnect with them, you may be pleasantly surprised to find that they will open new doors for your business now. Take time this week to call or e-mail:
.People who worked or lived near you in years gone by.
.Old friends from clubs or associations.
.Your college friends or acquaintances.
.Work colleagues you haven't seen in some time.
.Previous supervisors or bosses.