2016年8月25日 星期四

52週人脈計畫 -第33週  讓名片發揮最大效用

第33週  讓名片發揮最大效用


Week 33  Get the most out of your business cards

Simply put, business cards are miniature billboards for your business. Take this week to honestly evaluate what your business card says about you. Look at your card style and question whether it is appropriate for your industry and personal style preferences. Make sure you've got all your essential information on it and that you feel proud of your business card. If you don't, get some new cards made right away. For its size and cost, your business card will probably be the most powerful marketing tool you will ever own. Have a card you love handing out, but then work to only give cards to people who ask for them. Don't give out your business card indiscriminately, thinking you're doing well. Wait until people ask for it, and then have something worth giving.

